Holy Basil Extract

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Garcinia Mangostana L, commonly called Mangosteen, is a Southeast Asian fruit known in Ayurveda for its high level of antioxidants known as xanthones and for its rejuvenating properties. Our Mangosteen extract is derived using the more nutritious rind of the fruit through cold-water extraction.

  • In Ayurveda it has been used to treat anxiety.
  • Contains L-dopa.
  • Also used as an aphrodisiac and to inspire lucid dreaming.



Holy Basil is grown throughout India where the plant is native to the sunny and humid environments and the communities in these areas have tended to the plant for generations. The plant is a dwarf shrub and grows straight with many branches but only to about 2 ft in height. The leaves are oval in shape, about 2 inches in length and green and purple in color. Between the leaves, the plant grows stems of small purple flowers that are similar in appearance to lavender. After the plant has grown about 12 inches in height, the leaves are cut periodically to promote growth, making harvesting an ongoing process. When the leaves have been harvested, they are cleaned, cut into small pieces and sundried. After drying, it is ground and extracted 10:1 using pure water and ethanol. The solution is then chilled and filtered numerous time, resulting in a more concentrated product. After the holy basil is concentrated, it's tested and checked for quality, dried, milled and sifted.


Located south east of China, India is an extremely large country with diverse climates and terrains. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of India, making most of India's climate topical with unpredictable weather. The landscape ranges from miles of coastline to the Himalayan Mountains which separate the northern part of the country from China.

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Nutritional specification

Product code USF_HEHB
Name Ocimum sanctum
Country of Origin India
Color Greenish brown
Appearance Powder

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